We are able to give you a solution in between your tight agenda. You can just find a pleasure of time for visiting Yogyakarta city in only one day. Our guide and driver will pick you up at the Airport, Railway station, and drive you through to the 3 main interesting places in Yogyakarta, they are:

    • Borobudur temple (the biggest Buddhist temple)
    • Sultan Palace (the most exotic palace in Indonesia)
    • Prambanan temple (the highest Hindu temple)


    You can taste the fresh air and cool temperature on the most beautiful view point spot at KETEP PASS while enjoying the beauty of Merapi volcano as one of the five most active volcanoes in the world.
    You can also enjoy the beauty of other mountain around it, available a volcanic theatre that shows you about the research of it, climbing, mystical thing and eruption of Merapi volcano. To have the different atmosphere, we will bring you to Borobudur temple, which is the greatest Buddhist temple in Indonesia. Then have lunch at a local restaurant before we continue our trip to the exotic Hindus temple, Prambanan.


    Throughout the Yogyakarta's countryside, there is a wonderful view of various scene spots of village and fertile farmland spread out with the horizon of mountain landscape.
    Mountain lovers will experience a real adventure of mountaineering with height 2.930 meters above sea level. From a distance, one can always see the white smoke appears from the top of the volcano. Mount Merapi is known as one of the real active mounts in the world. Of course, the very best time to relish the beauty of Mount Merapi is approximately around the sunrise moment (at 5.30 AM to 08.00 AM in the morning). For doing this extreme tour, we pick you up at 10 PM at your hotel in Yogyakarta and drive you to the small village namely SELO, the place to start climbing. Arrive at SELO at 12 PM midnight. Resting an hour while enjoying Java coffee service. The climbing takes about 7 hours (4 hours going up and 3 hours going down). We get back to Yogyakarta at about 13.00 PM in the afternoon.


    Visiting Borobudur temple in the morning is the most pleasant and relaxing time you can have. You will get a peaceful silent time. The next tour program is "city tour" in Yogyakarta. We will bring you to visit Sultan Palace, Water Castle, batik factory, silver smith and have lunch at the local restaurant. To complete your visit in Yogyakarta, we will drive you to the most exciting Hindus temple, Prambanan.


    We will pick you up at your hotel and drive you to Sultan Palace to watch elegant Javanese architectures, located in the center of the municipality. It was built in 1775. Visitors of the palace can enjoy the atmosphere of the palace as it was centuries ago. Many sets of gamelan instruments, antiques and hairlooms make the sultan palace become one of most interesting tourist site in Yogya.
    After having lunch, we will drive you to Imogiri Royal Cemetery. The cemetery perched on a beautiful hill. The tomb of Sultan Agung the third and the greatest king of the Islamic Mataram Kingdom are there. Visitor must wear traditional Javanese clothes and climb up 345 stairs to reach the top of the hill where tomb of the king rested. The last place of tour at the moment is driving to Parangtritis beach to enjoy the sunset. Lastly, driver and tour guide will bring you back to your hotel.


    Dieng plateau is a natural tourism object. It is the longest highland in Java which lays 2.093 meters above sea level and 15 degree Celsius average has been the common temperature. In the plateau, we will visit various kinds of tourist attractions such as:
    • A group of Hindu temple. It was built early on 7 century, and well known as the quiet oldest Hindu temple among other Hindu temples in Indonesia.
    • Crater: several hectare smaller craters which are still active can be found as well. Nowadays, our government has made the GEOTHERMAL.
    • Colorful lake (Telaga Warna): The lake contains many kinds of sulfur and the Reflection of the Sunshine changes the water into many different colors.
    During the trip in Dieng plateau, you can have a pleasure of time due to its various wonderful scenes.
    You can taste the spots of small village and drive slopping, winding road, and enjoy a beautiful landscape with rich of plantation like coffee, tea, tobacco, and other vegetables crops.
    On the way back from Dieng to Yogyakarta, you will explore the greatness of Borobudur temple. The whole structure of Borobudur reflects the hard work, high dedication of thousands people. They were sweating on their attempt to make their way up to hill dragging tons of rocks in the searching of the tropical climate. You have a beautiful sunset at Borobudur.


    Exploring of the Islamic Mataram Kingdom, we drive you to visit Solo city. Solo is the center of art and culture in Central Java. We can find two kinds of palaces, they are Mangkunegaran Palace and Kasunanan Palace that were built with the specific Java architecture which combined the Java and Europe ornaments.
    We will also visit Triwindu, an antique market which has many kinds of antique collections and also Klewer market, which is the biggest batik and textile market in Java. To start exploring the Solo city, we drive you to Sukuh temple, the most exotic and erotic Hindu temple in Java which lies on the slope of the Lawu mountain.


    Day 1:
    Arrival at Yogyakarta in the morning, we will drive you to visit Kraton (Sultan Palace), water castle, silver smith and batik industry. Have a lunch at local restaurant, then drive again to enjoy sunset at Prambanan temple. Transfer in to Manohara Hotel in Borobudur temple complex. (Stay overnight)
    Day ke 2:
    Enjoy sunrise at Borobudur temple and continued to explore the temple. Have a lunch at Amanjiwo Hotel while can you enjoy the beautiful view of Borobudur temple at the same time. At noon, we drive you to visit the view points of Merapi volcano at Ketep Pass, Babadan and Kaliadem located on the slope of Merapi volcano.Return to Manohara Hotel.
    Day ke 3:
    In the morning, check out from Manohara Hotel, drive to Mt. Bromo and stop by at Solo City to visit Mangkunegaran Palace. Have a lunch at a restaurant on the way to Mt. Bromo. In the evening, arrive at Bromo, check in hotel (overnight).
    Day ke 4:
    Early morning, leave the hotel and take a walk or ride a horse to climb Mt. Bromo to enjoy the sunrise. Return to hotel for having a breakfast. At noon, leave from hotel (check out) and we will transfer you to airport in Surabaya to continue your trip.

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